Monday, February 2, 2009

Day One - Lost in the Big City

Well folks, I made it safe and sound. The plane had barely anyone on it so I got to stretch out on four seats to sleep, it was awesome. When I first got off the plane I was greeted by the brisk Irish cold. I got spoiled from my 70 degree California winter weather, I wasn't quite ready for the drop in temperature. It's not snowing right now but 15 minutes ago it was and it sure was dumping. I was even getting hailed on for a few minutes. The pilot told me it was two degrees Celsius when we arrived. That should be in the ballpark of about 34-36 degrees I think. Pretty cold.

I spent a good chunk of my day today just walking around, trying to figure out where I was, where I was going, and what I was going to do when I got there. I have so much time on my hands I'm not even sure what to do with it. I'm going to have to come up with some kind of strategy for figuring out the interesting things to do in all the new places I'm going to go to. For now, it's 7 PM and I think I'm going to go get my first Irish beer.

Side note, the beer selection at most stores is sorely lacking. Maybe I'm just spoiled by being from California. Guiness is about the only beer I've seen that I would purchase and I don't even like Guiness! Apparently shitty American beer is popular here. All the stores carry Bud, MGD, I've even seen Corona. What are these people thinking. For a nation that is known for drinking, they sure do drink garbage.


  1. Haha sounds like youre off to a good start! :) We all miss you a lot. Can't seem to keep you out of conversations hahahahah. :)
    Stay safe!


  2. I loved signing on and getting a feel for what you're up to - and how it feels to be footloose and fancy free - takes some getting used to I imagine. Shitty American beer is popular in Australia too - the global marketing machine at work - go figure. Love you lots, Mum

  3. isn't getting lost so fun tho? you find new things, and places to go, that on a trail you would have never seen. <3

  4. Sounds pretty awesome so far, and take it from me having free time gets old quick, so you'll find stuff to do in no time. Glad to hear you made it, and look forward to hearing more about your crazy ass adventures to be had.

  5. Well Vance I guess it shows that they have weirdos everywhere, not just in Calif.. Glad to hear that each day is getting better and that you are doing well. We are thinking of you and missing you at Joe's. Take care.



Where I've Been.