Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 5 - New toy!

So I bought a netbook today. It's basically a very small laptop that is fairly inexpensive. The reason I bought it is because internet cafes were proving to be expensive. Even with the 280 euros I spent on this device I should be saving money in the long run. Plus, it is so much more convenient. Every hostel and internet cafe I've seen so far has free wifi so now I do not have to pay for internet use! This is good news for all of my viewers back home because now I can make more comprehensive and frequent updates without worrying about how much time it takes me. And I can do it all from the comfort of my hostel instead of having to trek out to a cafe.

I w0uld update all of you on my recent adventures but I'm too excited about my new toy so I'm going to go play with it for a while.

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